A Comprehensive Study of the Principles and Trends in AC Circuits: Essential Component in Electro-mechanical Systems and Industries


  • Aniekan Ikpe Department of Science Technology, Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua, PMB 1200, Nigeria.
  • Imoh Ime Ekanem Department of Mechanical Engineering, Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua, PMB.‎ ‎1200, Nigeria‎.
  • Aniekan Essienubong Ikpe Department of Mechanical Engineering, Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua, PMB.‎ ‎1200, Nigeria‎.


AC Circuits, Electro-mechanical industries, System stability, Power transmission


The evolution of AC circuits in electro-mechanical applications has been driven by the need for efficient and reliable power transmission and control in various Electro-mechanical industrial and commercial settings. With the increasing demand for automation and electrification in modern society, the development of AC circuits has become crucial for the operation of a wide range of electro-mechanical systems. One of the key challenges in the evolution of AC circuits is the need to balance the conflicting requirements of efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. As electro-mechanical systems become more complex and interconnected, the design and implementation of AC circuits require astute optimization to ensure effective performance and safety. A detailed literature review was conducted with reference to relevant research articles, textbooks, and technical documents on the evolution of AC circuits in electro-mechanical applications. The selected sources were analyzed to extract key information on the advancements in AC circuits and their implications in electro-mechanical industries. The review of literature revealed significant developments in AC circuits, including the introduction of solid-state devices, digital control systems, and advanced power electronics. These advancements have led to improvements in efficiency, reliability, and performance in electro-mechanical systems. For example, the use of variable frequency drives has enabled precise control of motor speed and torque, resulting in energy savings and reduced maintenance costs. Furthermore, the integration of smart grid technologies has enhanced the monitoring and management of power distribution systems, leading to improved reliability and stability. Hence, the evolution of AC circuits has had a profound impact on the design and operation of electro-mechanical systems, paving the way for more efficient and sustainable technologies.


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How to Cite

A Comprehensive Study of the Principles and Trends in AC Circuits: Essential Component in Electro-mechanical Systems and Industries. (2024). Intelligence Modeling in Electromechanical Systems, 1(1), 17-38. https://imes.reapress.com/journal/article/view/22