About the Journal

Intelligence Modeling in Electromechanical Systems (IMES) is a distinguished international peer-reviewed journal committed to advancing the frontiers of intelligence modeling and its integration into the realm of electromechanical systems. This journal is dedicated to publishing high-impact scientific papers that significantly contribute to the understanding, development, and practical application of intelligence-driven solutions in electromechanical systems. Our scope spans an expansive range of conventional and emerging domains, uniting artificial intelligence, machine learning, control theory, and mechanical and electrical engineering.

Journal's Scope Encompasses:

  • Intelligence Modeling: Exploring the theoretical foundations and practical applications of intelligence modeling, including machine learning algorithms, neural networks, deep learning, and expert systems. We welcome research that extends the boundaries of intelligence modeling to enhance the efficiency, adaptability, and autonomy of electromechanical systems.
  • Electromechanical Systems: Investigating the dynamic interplay between electrical and mechanical components in complex systems. Topics include robotics, automation, mechatronics, sensors, actuators, control systems, and the integration of intelligence to optimize system performance.
  • Control Theory: Delving into control strategies, algorithms, and techniques that harness intelligence modeling to regulate and optimize electromechanical systems. Research spans classical and modern control methods, adaptive control, and real-time decision-making.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Engineering: Exploring the synergies between artificial intelligence and engineering disciplines to drive innovation in product design, manufacturing processes, and system optimization. This includes AI-assisted design, predictive maintenance, and intelligent decision support systems.
  • Human-Machine Interaction: Investigating the role of intelligence modeling in enhancing human-machine collaboration, human-robot interaction, and user-friendly interfaces within electromechanical systems.
  • Emerging Technologies: Highlighting breakthroughs and pioneering research in areas such as quantum computing, neuromorphic engineering, swarm robotics, and the integration of intelligence in emerging electromechanical technologies.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Emphasizing the significance of interdisciplinary collaboration and problem-solving approaches to address real-world challenges in the context of intelligence modeling and electromechanical systems.

Key Features of "Intelligence Modeling in Electromechanical Systems":

  • Interdisciplinary Innovation: Our journal serves as a catalyst for interdisciplinary innovation, fostering collaboration among experts from diverse domains to address complex challenges at the intersection of intelligence modeling and electromechanical systems.
  • Rigorous Peer Review: All submissions undergo a stringent peer-review process, ensuring the publication of high-quality, influential research.
  • Global Knowledge Exchange: "Intelligence Modeling in Electromechanical Systems" is a global hub for researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts in the fields of intelligence modeling and electromechanical systems.
  • Author-Centric Approach: We are committed to supporting authors throughout the publication process, facilitating clear communication and transparent procedures.
  • Open Access: Our journal is open-access, ensuring unrestricted access to all content, promoting the free exchange of knowledge and ideas.
  • Publication Frequency: We publish two online issue per year, continuously adding processed and accepted papers with full bibliographic data throughout the year.
  • Publication Fee: Authors are not charged any publication fees, promoting equitable access to publication opportunities.
  • eISSN (Online): xxxx-xxxx

IMES invites pioneering researchers, practitioners, and experts to contribute to the advancement of intelligence in electromechanical systems.